Vehicle engineering deals with the knowledge and techniques that is applied in vehicle industry, primarily, the automobile industry. This particular field of engineering also covers the fields of automotive engineering, marine engineering and aerospace engineering.
Being a vehicle engineer will require you to be passionate about cars and other vehicles while having a firm grip on the technical details that will help you in designing, developing, testing and building vehicles. The ability to work within a team is a must if you wish to succeed in this field.
Vehicle Engineering Sub Disciplines
Vehicle Engineering has been divided into the following:
Top Vehicle Engineering Universities
The top three ranked universities when it comes to Vehicle Engineering are as follows:
Vehicle Engineering Associations
There are a myriad of associations related to Vehicle Engineering but we shall list only three:
Being a Vehicle Engineer
Vehicle Engineer Salary
A Vehicle engineer’s average annual salary in USA is $69,000.
Top Vehicle Engineering Companies
The top three companies pertaining to Vehicle Engineering are;
Top Vehicle Engineering Innovations
Check out the three top inventions (as per us) that are a result of Vehicle Engineering.