Two workers at the snake farm in Indonesia stand over a pile of hundreds of snakes that have been freshly skinned
A man carries a tray of snake carcasses that are being left to dry after they were killed, skinned and coiled up
Workers wrap snake carcasses into coils after having their skin ripped off. They will be sold for their meat while their skins are sold and made into luxury goods
Two employees at the snake farm show off a dried snakeskin which measures several metres in length
This close up photo shows the skinning process as it is done by hand. A pile of snake carcasses lie in a bloody heap in the background
A farm worker attempts to clear a pile of dead snakes from the factory floor
Two deadly cobras rear up while facing each other. They too will eventually be killed for their skin and meat
A man holds a bundle of dead snakes up to the camera, while his colleagues continue skinning from a separate pile
An employee smokes a cigarette while he handles a pile of snake carcasses and their skins
A pile of snakes, still live, crawl over each other as they await their fate at the slaughterhouse in Kapetakan village in Indonesia
This photo shows thousands of snake carcasses piled together on the ground of the slaughterhouse